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JAPANESE MOUNTAIN HYDRANGEAS are hale and hardy. Bud hardy yet very feminine. High maintenance? Not these ladies. In 10 years they have bloomed every year for everyone I have planted. They remain dormant longer and avoid late frosts. Generally they are somewhat smaller than the H. macrophylla. 


H. serrata 'Little Geisha' This is a small shrub about 2 feet high. Tennis ball size blooms. It's not uncommon for a a plant to have 50 to 100 blooms. Blooms range in color from light blue to pink depending on soil pH. By far the most floriferous serrata. 


Like their 'French' cousins they like good drainage, good soil and water and fertilizer. But you don't have to hover over them. Just plant them well to begin with and water once a week. Give them acidity, (sulphur) for better blues and alkalinity, (lime) for more pinks. Don't trim them. Just cut yourself some bouquets. Do yourself a favor...grow some of these. You don't have 15 years to waste.


Zone 6-10.

Hydrangea serrata 'Little Geisha'

SKU: oy_hy_lil
Sales Tax Included
  • 2 Year plants (6-12"), 1 Gallon
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